
How Sloomy Improved Real User Metrics with UI/UX Design Introduction Sloomy is an online ecommerce retailer selling eucalyptus bedding sheets and 8 months after creating a new UI/UX Designed website with AK Marketing has: Increased their average session duration

Norse Republics

How Norse Republics Improved Customer Satisfaction with UI/UX Design Introduction Norse Republics is a distributor of Scandinavian’s well-designed products and 6 months after completing a UI/UX Design overhaul of their website with AK Marketing has:Increased their customer satisfaction score

Square Real Estate

How Square Real Estate Increased Website Engagement with UI/UX Design Introduction Square Real Estate QLD is a full-service real estate that 5 months after completing a UI/UX Design overhaul of their website with AK Marketing has:Increased time spent on

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