How Square Real Estate Increased Website Engagement with UI/UX Design


Square Real Estate QLD is a full-service real estate that 5 months after completing a UI/UX Design overhaul of their website with AK Marketing has:

  • Increased time spent on their website by 327%
  • Reduced bounce rate from 87% to 26%
  • Elevated lead enquiries by 225%.

Grace Hu (Principal of Square) approached AK Marketing after reviewing the website and seeing opportunity in its proven blueprint used in achieving success for other companies like Square.

Before approaching AK Marketing, Square had two unsuccessful website builds and their main goal for the website was for it to be a conversion tool that’s easy to use.

The Story of Square

Square was founded in 2018 by current Principal Grace Hu and has now grown to be a large team of 18 real estate industry experts that have one goal – to empower all clients to make smarter real estate decisions that see possibility instead of limitation.

Before approaching AK Marketing, day-to-day running of the business through the website was not easy for all staff, and that’s why Square not only wanted a more aesthetically pleasing website but one that was functional and followed simple logic.

Square warned AK Marketing of their past failures with web developers/designers but once AK Marketing explained it could eliminate failures by following its proven blueprint, they quickly choose to do business with AK Marketing and now reap the rewards.

The Challenge of CRM Integration Square Faced Before UI/UX Design

Square uses Agentbox (a popular real estate CRM) but due to incompatibility issues with WordPress and the integration failures of 2 previous website overhauls, Square staff faced difficulties in the daily running of the business before engaging AK Marketing’s services.

Why Square Chose UI/UX Design

Square became interested in AK Marketing’s UI/UX Design service after quickly learning that it was the superior way to create a design-focused premium website that would ensure a smooth experience for its clients. Once Square became aware of this benefit and knew AK Marketing would take the guesswork away from their website with its proven blueprint, they did not hesitate to move forward with AK Marketing’s UI/UX Design service.

How Square Used UI/UX Design

All staff immediately benefited after the UI/UX Design upgrade because it’s a ‘human first approach’ that addressed their key pain points and turned these into ‘simple logic’ that made execution of any task seamless.

“So thankful we did business with AK Marketing because it made all of our lives easier and now, we can just focus on growing our business delivering what our clients want and exceeding their expectations with a superior service.”

– Grace Hu, Principal, Square Real Estate,

The Results

5 months after completing a UI/UX Design overhaul of their website with AK Marketing, Square Real Estate QLD has:

  • Increased time spent on their website by 327%
  • Reduced bounce rate from 87% to 26%
  • Elevated lead enquiries by 225%.

Get a Better Website Using a Proven Blueprint

Start the conversation today to build your brand better just like Square Real Estate QLD did by calling us on 0405 488 549 or emailing Because UI/UX Design is like any other investment – the point is to make money – and our services guarantee to achieve above industry standard ROI’s by keeping customers invested and engaged with your brand.

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Images Credit – Desky